What is Keyword Simulation and how does it help?

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What is Keyword Simulation and how does it help?

What Does Keyword Simulation Do for me?

Keyword Simulation has three parts: ASO Simulator, Tracked Keywords in Metadata, and Rating Simulation.
The first part, ASO Simulator, provides 4 tabs:

1. Title: This feature lets you analyze your current title or simulate new titles and extract keywords from them to evaluate whether the keywords are effective or not.
👉 “Extract Keywords” button breaks down the title into meaningful keywords and shows their search score
👉 Title Analysis: This part shows the character count of your competitors’ titles and how frequently the keywords in your title are used in the competitors’ title

2. Subtitle: This feature lets you analyze your current subtitle or simulate new subtitles and extract keywords from them to evaluate whether the keywords are effective or not.
👉 “Extract Keywords” button breaks down the subtitle into meaningful keywords and shows their search score
👉 Subtitle Analysis: This part shows the character count of your competitors’ subtitles and how frequently the keywords in your subtitle are used in that of competitors.

3. Keyword Field (only for iOS apps): Simulate the keywords you have or would like to put in the Keyword Field and find out their search volume.
👉 Keyword Field Analysis: This part shows how frequently the keywords in your Keyword Field are used in your metadata and in your competitors’ metadata.

4. Description: Break down the keywords you are using in the description have or simulate a prospective description if it really contains more meaningful keywords.

👉 Description Analysis: This part shows how frequently the keywords in your description are used in your metadata and that of your competitors.

Tracked Keywords in Metadata then simply shows you whether you are using the tracked keywords in the metadata or not.
If you find out there are effective keywords but not in your metadata, you may want to add them soon.

Rating Simulation helps you target how much more good ratings you need to receive to reach 4.0 or above.
👉 From ASO perspective, having a rating higher than 4.0 is important as users can filter out apps that are below a 4.0 rating.


Still have questions? Contact us via asoindex@aixinc.io


Keyword Optimization
Creative Optimization
Review Optimization

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